
  1. Innovation Hive hosted the kick-off meeting in Greece. 2-3 February 2023. The kick-off meeting established a solid foundation by achieving key outcomes. Partners finalised the financial management framework, validated the Project Management Plan (PMP), and clearly defined roles, responsibilities, milestones, and timelines for each Work Package. Stakeholder engagement strategies were aligned, and a schedule for regular online coordination meetings was confirmed. The meeting fostered collaboration, mutual understanding of objectives. This strong start ensured smooth coordination and efficient project execution.


2. TPM2 in Malta hosted by MECB, 11-12 January 2024. Partners refined AR-enhanced modules and EduGame content. e-Platform updates improved usability. User guides were planned, and the project website was enhanced for better functionality. Interim reports were completed, and partners established clear responsibilities and timelines. All partners attended, ensuring strong collaboration and continued progress toward project objectives.


3.  The final Transnational Project Meeting (TPM3) in Greece (15 November 2024) marked the culmination of the NutriClime project. Partners convened to evaluate the project’s outcomes, ensuring alignment with objectives and finalising sustainability and dissemination strategies. Key discussions included the review of the AR-enhanced modules, EduGame, and CPD materials, as well as the long-term use of project outputs. Partners reflected on the success of implementation, shared feedback, and confirmed responsibilities for the final report and post-project activities. The meeting reinforced collaboration, ensuring that the project’s achievements would have a lasting impact.


The partners organised four face-to-face Multiplier Events (MEs) in each partner country—Belgium, Turkey, Greece, and Malta—to showcase project achievements and outputs. These events were vital in promoting project awareness, building networks, and inspiring stakeholders to adopt NutriClime’s innovative educational resources.

Additionally, one extra face-to-face event was held in Ireland by AISR, taking advantage of a unique opportunity to engage a broader audience. To ensure even further reach, one online dissemination event was organized, allowing stakeholders who could not attend in person to learn about and interact with the project’s results.

  1. Turkey


2. Malta 8 Nov 2024


3.  Belgium 27 Nov 2024  


       Ireland 28 Nov 2024 


     Online 29 Nov 2024


4. Greece  25 November 2024

The piloting phase was conducted in each partner country, allowing teachers and students to explore the AR-enhanced modules on the NUtriCLime platform and experience the EduVenture game. Here are some snapshots from the experience:










Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them2022-1-BE02-KA220-ADU-000087982

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