NutriClime Project

Project Description

The impacts of climate change are affecting human lives and health in various ways, and the project is aimed at promoting change in this regard. According to the Green Deal, unhealthy diets are responsible for a significant number of deaths and lost healthy years in the EU, with cardiovascular diseases and cancers being the main culprits. The project aims to promote a shift towards plant-based diets that are healthier and have a lower environmental impact. In addition to this, the project is committed to promoting sustainable goals and reducing the rate of life-threatening diseases such as heart disease. The project aims to achieve these goals by developing digital teaching resources and educational games, providing continuous professional development to educators and implementing high-quality career guidance initiatives to promote the teaching profession.


The potential wider impact of our project is extensive. Participants will gain practical knowledge, competencies, and educational tools related to healthy living and climate change that will ultimately benefit the planet.

The project will increase awareness about health threats associated with inappropriate diets and sedentary lifestyles, and these topics will be included in curricula with an interdisciplinary approach. The project will also raise awareness about the importance of reducing CO2 emissions from the food production industry.

We will develop tools that EU citizens need to navigate the social and mental health implications of adolescent obesity and support the social inclusion of disadvantaged students and those suffering from eating disorders or health conditions. Our participants will also gain competence in developing teaching materials and training methodologies on healthy, carbon-neutral food selections, improve their understanding of the European Green Deal, and enhance their competencies and skills in integrating green skills to Health Education strategies. 

The project will also enhance the pedagogical skills of cross-curricular teaching, develop sustainable competencies and digital skills in the use of AR, and influence behavioural change in consumption habits. Overall, the project will have a significant positive impact on the participants, the educational sector, and the wider community.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them2022-1-BE02-KA220-ADU-000087982

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